Lupin Lodge Naturist Resort
Resort Facilities
Lupin Lodge Naturist Resort is a Woman Owned and Operated Nudist Resort in the Beautiful Los Gatos Mountains of San Francisco Bay Area. The resort was established in 1935 and is one of the oldest Nudist Resorts in America.
Lupin offers a wholesome healing place to nurture the mind, body and spirit. There are many quiet meditative areas and lush green vistas of natural beauty that will provide members the sanity we need in this world of adversity, especially during life’s stressful transitions.
Lupin Nurtures the Mind, Body & Spirit

If you’re stressed and only have a few hours to spare, a visit to Lupin will make any challenging day better. You’ll experience a slower tempo than the fast pace and demands of Silicon Valley.
When you visit Lupin and stand in the nude, overlooking the breath-taking mountain vistas of the Santa Cruz Redwoods, nature will touch all your senses. You will feel a larger perspective of freedom by elevating the senses, without clothes, without stress and without shame.
Lupin’s clothes-free tradition (since 1935) embodies the principles of body acceptance and mutual respect, and its management strives to maintain a comfortable, family-friendly ambiance at all times. Staff personnel are especially sensitive and responsive to first-timer concerns.
Woman Owned & Operated Naturist Resort

Mass media culture distorts body images and diminishes self-worth in the effort to sell more stuff. The relaxing body acceptance found at Lupin is an all-natural remedy for this commercial chicanery. Beyond a life enhancing nude experience, it’s a reality check.
Women at Lupin deserve very special respect from each of us on the other side of the great gender divide. Surrounded by a body-alienated culture and burdened by centuries of systematic patriarchy, it is a wonder that women even consider, much less risk, social nudity with men. Just a precious few actually brave the experience, despite touted benefits which must seem almost too good to be true. It takes self-assurance and true grit.
We can only salute the extraordinary courage, trust and independence of thought it must take for any woman to break the “body taboo” for the first time. She faces far more forbidding obstacles to accepting her natural body than does a man.
Visit Lupin Lodge
Newcomers are invited to experience the freedom, awakened senses and self-appreciation of their bodies in communion with nature. Enjoy the social tranquility of people just being themselves. Visitors are encouraged to push past any nudity anxieties they may have to learn how comfortable and natural they soon feel. Self-consciousness almost always disappears in minutes. We hope you will find your visit to be an experience worth repeating.