Bonny Doon Beach
Nearest City: Santa Cruz,State/Province: California
Country: United States
Bonny Doon has been a nude beach for over 50 years. Approximately 10 miles north of Santa Cruz and about a 1/2 mile walk from Highway 1.
Take Highway #1 north from Santa Cruz. At 12 miles, you will find roadside parking. You will need to hike about 1/4 mile to the beach. Walk north on the beach to behind the large rock where you be able to enjoy nude sunbathing.
Disclaimer: Nude in Nature public locations are submitted by users and are not vetted or verified by AANR or its affiliates. Nude recreation, clothing-free status, or safety is neither implied nor the legality of going nude or nudity in any public location listed here on As conditions are always subject to change, persons are always directed to verify the current legal status of any location(s). Any person(s) whose image may appear herein are assumed to be in public settings without a reasonable expectation of privacy at the time the image(s) is taken. Further, images are believed to be in the public domain unless The Organization is apprised with a takedown notice in the manner provided in our Terms of USE.