Image courtesy of Cypress Cove Nudist Resort
Your First Visit to an AANR Nudist Resort
Nudist resorts and clubs affiliated with the American Association for Nude Recreation are as individual as their members and visitors. All of them, however, provide the friendly stress free atmosphere you’d expect from a club where people enjoy social nude recreation with their family and friends.
Here are some tips for preparing for your first visit to an AANR club:
Understand the Two Types of Clubs. There are two types of nudist clubs – landed and nonlanded. The landed club has its own grounds and facilities. It may be luxurious or rustic. Nonlanded club members often meet at a private home or somewhere in their community like the local health club. They may travel together to a landed club.
Plan Ahead, Call Ahead. Once you’ve decided on a club for your first visit, it’s always a good idea to contact that club and ask questions. What facilities are offered? Is it a clothing optional resort or a clothes free club? Are there activities for your children? What are their admission and singles policies? Are your pets allowed? Are rooms or campgrounds for overnight stays available? Are reservations required? Remember, plan your day out, getaway weekend, or vacation as you would any other. The more you know, the more comfortable you’ll feel when you arrive.
Each club has its own policies regarding admission, activities, facilities, and the consumption of alcohol. As in any public place, underage drinking and the use of controlled substances are prohibited.
Pack Less! What to pack? A light travel bag containing two towels per person (polite nudist etiquette means that you always carry your own towel to sit or lounge on and a second one for the pool), sun block, any athletic equipment and shoes you’ll need, toiletries, and a cover-up for chilly days/nights or when you’ve had too much sun. Leave your camera at home. Most clubs frown on any photography or sharply restrict it to certain areas. In any case, it’s NOT something to bring on an initial visit.
Plan to Go Nude! Although some clubs allow visitors to remain clothed while touring the club as a first timer, most clubs expect guests to be “clothed when practical, nude when appropriate.” Visitors, as well as members, are required to conduct themselves in a manner that would be considered acceptable at any other public social gathering. There will be people of all ages and backgrounds – families, couples, children, young and old – and they will all have one thing in common…they decided to participate in nude recreation.
As a first timer, please make this important observation, even though you might anticipate it, a nude environment does not have any special sexual connotation.
The benefits of nude recreation are based on acceptance of self and respecting the individuality and freedom of others. Experience life clothes free and you liberate your mind and body. You rediscover the joy you knew as a child… the spirit deep inside you.