Hi Travelers,
If you missed participating in the 16th annual Working Naked Day on Feb. 1st, know you can still experience it any day of the year.
Whether you’re a telecommuter, telemarketer, sole practitioner, work at a nudist resort, are either a retiree or a stay-at-home mom doing chores around your nest, why not get naked, you can even get dirty, cause clean up is as easy as jumping in the shower. (And no dirty clothes to launder.)
For those living in the Sunbelt, working naked simply requires you close your blinds. If you’re living where the Polar Vortex has barreled through, crank up the thermostat to a comfortably tropical level for heightened enjoyment.
Though the American Association for Nude Recreation (www.AANR.com) did not originate Working Naked Day, they fully embrace and endorse the concept of this liberating activity, despite the weather conditions the winter season may bring.
Even commuters can participate in the freedom of working from home without the restrictions of clothing, if only for a day. The concept of a Work From Home Day continues to gain momentum in the U.K. and Canada, so why not in the land of the brave and the free – the USA? Go ahead, try it, you’ll like it!
In fact, it makes good business sense, as those businesses that have work from home programs in place have noticed:
· Higher employee productivity – with less distractions around the water cooler or with colleagues stopping by to chat employees can really focus on their work;
· Enhanced customer experience – instead of the usual 9-5 office hours employees can contact customers to help them outside these hours;
· Employers can show off their green credentials – all that energy on cars, trains and buses saved – the only commuting employees will be doing is walking into their home office space;
· Savings in office overhead – office space and facilities will stretch further when shut down for the day;
Shows the company in a positive light – helps with staff retention, morale and work/life balance;
· For employees, the exercise can be practical and enjoyable, they save on commuting costs and time, it helps with family arrangements and they can produce a higher quality of work.
Now if you can’t manage a work at home naked day, consider planning a Nakation vacation to an AANR member resort/RV park or campground? One near you (or in a warm, sunny clime) can be found at https://www.aanr.com/club-locator/.
Naturally yours,