Having been a nudist since my teens, I have benefitted from being a part of a community that enjoys wholesome, non-sexual, family-friendly nudism.
I didn’t realize that being part of AANR – American Association for Nude Recreation – would open doors to friendships and relationships on a deeper level.
Within AANR, there is a committee in every region named WINR – Women in Nude Recreation. It is a committee that focuses on introducing women to nudism.
Women are in a unique situation when it comes to nudism. There are so many societal views and ideas about women and nudism that can affect trying nudism. In societies that perpetuates the myth that you must look young and have the perfect body, the message is that we are not ideal as a whole. The level of perfection that the media keeps bombarding us with is unattainable, setting us up for failure. The fashion and cosmetic industries market heavily to young girls, indoctrinating them at a young age, they can look better if they dress in their clothes or apply multitudes of cosmetic products to themselves. We have undergarments that bind and constrict our bodies so that everything stays in place with nary a jiggle. The plastic surgery industry is booming as women see the pictures of actresses and famous people and “want to look like them.”
All this sets women up for failure and depression over what their bodies appear to others. Imagine a place where body positivity and “loving the skin you are in” is the norm, and that is what WINR provides.
There are workshops, Zoom events, spa days, and get-togethers for women to meet other ladies and be a part of something positive. The very things that cosmetics and fashion ask us to cover up are the things that make us unique. All shapes and sizes are welcome. Scars, cellulite, extra fat around the hips, and small breasts are embraced as what makes you, YOU.
The camaraderie and company of women struggling with the same issues allow you to relax and be yourself. No one is judging you, nor is anyone any better than anyone else. The friendships made through WINR and my work on social media have celebrated the success of each step made in nudism and the lifting up of each other in honor of women all over.
Whether this is your first time or not, being a part of something that celebrates your uniqueness in a nurturing, positive way, is good for your health and well-being.
Please see the information elsewhere on this website for details on the WINR program. In addition, if you would like to follow me on social media, I am on Twitter – @TrueBlueNude; MeWe – TrueBlueNude Linda Weber; and The Naturist Hub – Linda Weber.