Over the past few months, nude recreation has been getting some attention. The only reason you may not have heard about it is because it has not happened yet.
Let me explain. I have a television broadcast background focusing mainly on live TV. But there are also video productions and audio productions that are working the long game as it were. The stories you see on the nightly news are usually the “what’s happening now”, but on the national news, they may work on a story for weeks if not months before it hits air.
HBO Sports has been collecting stories and videos of nude sports for a show hosted by Bryant Gumble called Real Sports. They have gone to White Thorn Lodge in Pennsylvania for volleyball, to sports at White Tail Resort in Virginia, a 5K at Cypress Cove in Florida, to a naked ski event in Colorado. In March they contacted the AANR office to get an informal interview with the Executive Director and the President about the various nude sports going on around the country.
In my conversation with them, I mentioned there are also tournaments for water volleyball as well as nude bowling. I mentioned that Hill Country Nudists (HCN) in Austin was hosting a nude bowling event about a month away and they were interested in getting footage of the event, and I said I could accommodate them. After checking with HCN board members I brought along some video cameras and got a bit of footage of bowlers that they might use alongside all the other footage they have collected. It may not air until the fall as they work on multiple stories at once. So we will see!
In May AANR was again contacted, this time by a news radio program/podcast out of Dallas, Texas, with an interest in the bowling event in Pennsylvania. We will of course enlighten them about the other sports events that are available.
With the huge increase in “pickleball fever” across the country, it is becoming the new “in” sport. I have seen not only nudist resorts repurposing their old tennis courts but local parks as well are resurfacing the seldom-used courts into pickleball courts. I even saw a couple on a flight that had custom pickleball racket cases as their carry-on luggage.
Be sure to check out the new Sports page on the aanr.com website. If your club is hosting a sports event, let AANR know and they can put it on the site!
-Mitch London, AANR President