Every year since 2008, Congress has proclaimed a Saturday in December as National Wreaths Across America Day.
This year, Wreaths Across America Day will take place on December 16, 2023. On that day, more than 2 million Veterans’ Wreaths will be placed across Local, National, and Military Cemeteries as well as Veterans’ Memorials and historic sites. Our mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at more than 3,700+ locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.
Anyone who wants to offer a small gesture of gratitude for the freedoms Americans enjoy can purchase a wreath for $17. It is a win-win for both our heroes as well as for AANR because your donation will provide a wreath to a Veterans Cemetery and AANR will receive $5 per wreath back. We also invite you to volunteer at a wreath-laying ceremony to assist in saying veteran names aloud and thanking them for their service, so we Never Forget to keep their memory living on.
If you are interested, please contact me at 813-300-4088 by sending me a text with your name and location and I will call you back with information.
Please note that when going online to order it will come up under Oviedo, Florida, as it is the closest Veterans Cemetery to the AANR Home office. However, you can use the drop-down menu to change the location of your wreaths by finding your location and selecting it on the menu.
Last year we had a great start raising money. My goal this year is to sell a minimum of 1,500 wreaths, each of which we will receive $5 back. This money will help our AANR Government Affairs team protect our Nudist Rights by lobbying with elected leaders to prevent or alter any bills or situations that could cause harm to our way of life.
With your kind donation you can help make a difference.
PLEASE NOTE: According to Wreaths Across America, their wreaths are placed primarily on the graves of Christians because some religions do not engage in such practices. The AANR Board of Trustees wants to assure everyone that we participate in this venture as just one expression of our dedication to veterans. AANR supports veterans of all faiths. Our respect for the men and women representing our nation in the armed forces is universal, with no religious or spiritual bounds.
-BG Parkes