I want to thank all our clubs, both destination clubs and travel clubs. Why?
Because when your club takes time to go out into the community and do a street clean-up, volunteer for serving needy people, provide services to veterans or do any number of community service activities, we are out there showing how we as an organization care about our communities. Nude beaches do not clean themselves, and it usually takes several volunteers to help clean the beaches. Hippie Hollow in Austin, Gunnison Beach in New Jersey, Black’s Beach in California, and many more all have groups of volunteers that go out and offer their time to help keep these beaches clean. While cleaning the beach, you could wear a club shirt advertising who you are and I guarantee you that if you are there with a trash bag and a pickup stick, people will say ‘thank you’ because they appreciate anyone who will take the time to clean up.
The same goes for highway or trail clean-ups. Most of these are set up through city or county or special organizations to beautify the area and they may even offer your club’s name posted on a sign in the area you clean. Some of these may require more of a commitment than once a year, but usually no more than four times a year.
Perhaps picking up trash is not your thing. Fear not, there are lots of ways to give back to the community and get your club’s name out there. Consider volunteering at a homeless services center, at a hospital, or at a pet adoption center. Hill Country Nudists in Austin have helped recycle Christmas trees after the holidays for several years. You could even go a step further and coordinate a big fundraiser event. Cypress Cove in Florida has been hosting Nude-a-palooza for over a decade. This is an all-day charity concert that raises funds for breast cancer research.
It may be that your club is not ready to hold an event, but that does not mean you cannot participate in one. The World Naked Bike Ride happens every year and in cities that do not have legalized nudity may defer to the fact that the ride is a protest and allow it. Check the internet for a ride near you. There is also Skinny-Dip Day during Nude Recreation Week, and I have also seen Nude Hiking Day.
As you can see there are so many ways to share your love of nudism and naturism and a chance to help your community and your club. These types of events have an impact on how we as a community are viewed. Just browse through the aanr.com website back issues of The Bulletin and every time you see a club hosting a clean-up event, or fund drive, or volunteer event, know that they have taken steps to help make their community a better place and also make their community aware of the benefit of having nudist neighbors.
-Mitch London
AANR President