A Day at the Beach!
A Guide to Courtesy & Common-Sense Behavior at Beaches Supporting Clothing-Optional Use
Free Beach etiquette is not much different from the same good manners that you should exhibit wherever you go. Be polite and respect the rights of others and others will do the same for you.
Where to Sit/Walk
- Be very sensitive to who may be nearby where you want to lay your blanket. Be sure to go far enough down the beach to where there are few other beachgoers, if possible. Try to always bring a friend with you, especially if you are male, and try to sit nearby other nude beachgoers, if possible.
- Don’t park your blanket directly alongside or below another person if there is plenty of other space left on the beach.
- Avoid sitting near families or walking to/from the water in front of other people walking down the beach! Respect the privacy of others. Many folks come to the beach to enjoy nature and do not want to be disturbed. It is OK to be friendly, but if someone doesn’t seem to respond, please respect their right to privacy. “No” means no.
- Avoid running or walking down the beach while nude as this almost always causes other beachgoers to call in a complaint, and we want to avoid that at all costs! Later in the afternoon is a better time to do this, as the number of others on the beach thins out.
Get Dressed When Leaving Established Clothing Optional Areas
Many of the clothing optional beaches, while not strictly legal, are accepted by the local population. To avoid offending people, do not go nude into parking lots or textile beaches. Always be dressed if taking a stroll outside the boundary of the CO area.
Avoid Any Sexual Activity
Please, do not give the prudes an excuse to close down another Clothing Optional recreation site. Avoid any hint of sexuality in clothing-optional areas.
Gawking is Impolite
Gawking, or staring at other nude sunbathers, is impolite. If you came to a clothing-optional (CO) beach to see for yourself what the experience is like, please, join in. You will have a great time. If you came to “look at the nudies,” do yourself a favor and buy a magazine and read it at home.
Respect the Environment
Keep out of areas that may be environmentally sensitive. Leave any wild animals (seagulls, sea lions, etc.) alone. We can lose access to CO areas by impairing the environment or preventing the wild animals from roaming free.
Help Keep the Area Clean
Bring and use trash bags. Always try to carry out more trash than you carried in. Leave nothing but footprints, take only memories.
Avoid Taking Photos or Video
We recommend you leave the camera at home – including the one in your cell phone. If you insist on taking a picture, confine it to just the people in your party, and that means avoiding having anyone in the background without their verbal (if not written) consent. Also, totally avoid taking photos of nude under-age children at the beach as it just isn’t worth the confrontation you will be inviting.
Speak up for Standards
If you see someone who is violating the accepted standards, please explain to them clearly and politely just how they are violating the rules and just what the proper behavior is. You will find most voyeurs will leave immediately after being discovered.