For those familiar with the musical The King and I by the famous Rodgers and Hammerstein, their popular song “Getting to Know You” has lyrics that can also describe the bonds formed between people in the nudist community.
Getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easy
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to say
Haven’t you noticed
Suddenly I’m bright and breezy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I’m learning about you.
When one becomes a part of the nudist family, we become more at ease with each other. We miss each other when we’re apart, and we rejoice when we meet again! We, like any family, may have disagreements and even arguments, but I feel that will not prevent us from always coming back together in friendship. The phrase “Time heals all wounds” has been said in one form or another since about 300 B.C. I am a real believer in that. When I joined my nudist club, I made friendships that have lasted more than a decade. I have made friends both younger and older than myself. I brought food to some and have been a pet sitter for others. I will give them a ride to an event or offer a helping hand in making repairs.
I know I am not alone in this. We will often help out our nudist neighbors in many ways, partly because we are all in this great family together and the bonds of friendship we form can last a lifetime. The next time you are at a club event, feel free to say hi to your beach chair neighbor and strike up a conversation. Give them a chance to know you and you to know them. Because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter who is the millionaire, who is the janitor, who is the construction worker, or who is the celebrity. When the clothes come off, we are all equal and we have the opportunity to learn about someone by talking with them and not making an assumption by how they dress. My father has yet to board a plane without striking up a conversation with the person next to him, and in doing so he has come to know a wide variety of people and learned about them and their life, all by talking. So go ahead, say hi to someone and get to know them.
Mitch London
AANR President