Enjoying My Nude Time
Last month I talked about my evolving summer plans. We have been on the road for non-nudist events over the last few months, so my nudist times are that much more welcome when they come. For those of you who have travel trailers or travel often away from nudist venues, there is a certain satisfaction to those mornings when you can just get up, throw open the door, and sit outside naked and enjoy your morning coffee.
In June I had a week at Laguna del Sol. You can walk down to the Cosumnes River and, if it’s not a drought year, wade into the water and enjoy the water flowing over you unhindered by clothes or cares. This is one of my favorite things to do when I am there. Sacramento summers can be very hot, so time in the water is welcome. By the time you walk back to your campsite, room, or the pools, you are dry and ready to find some shade.
The freedom to do this is what drew me to nude recreation and AANR. I need my nude time. The opportunity to share this with others is important to expanding the acceptance of nude land use. Those trips down to the river are possible because the lands adjacent to Laguna del Sol’s 250 acres are in land trusts, or benefit from isolation from developed areas. There are vineyards across the river and up the banks from the river on the side opposite Laguna.
There are other areas around Sacramento where nude use is common and where we have pressed for official designation of nude use. While we have yet to see an official designation, our travel groups enjoy several trips during the warmer months up into these areas of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.