Posted: February 12, 2025

Have you experienced the feeling of loneliness recently? If so, you’re not alone. In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General declared a “Loneliness Epidemic” in America1.

Recognizing that it’s a serious problem, AANR is committed to combating loneliness by providing both in-person events and online opportunities for members to gather, connect and develop a greater Sense of Belonging to the nudist community.

The mental health benefits of being part of a vibrant social community cannot be overstated. When people become socially disconnected they are at serious risk of anxiety and depression. They have a higher risk of heart disease (+29%), dementia (+50%), and stroke (+32%). Researchers have also found that social isolation increases the risk of premature death by almost 30%.

It’s been proven that people who are part of a social circle and have a few friends are more positive about life, suffer less depression and are more engaged than those who have isolated lives. In other words, the socially connected tend to experience a greater Joy of Life than the socially isolated.
So why is Loneliness Suddenly Such a Problem?

So why is Loneliness Suddenly Such a Problem?

To be clear, loneliness has always been a problem. While the 2020 COVID lockdowns clearly had a lasting impact, the root cause of the “loneliness epidemic” is probably due to technology. Consider the impact of smartphones. How many people go about life endlessly scrolling on their phone ignoring everyone around them? Instead of longer and deeper conversations on the phone or in-person, we interact with people in short text messages. On Social Media we chime-in with a short “take” on a post about some situation. The impact of the Cable News is also a factor with their 24/7 campaigns to enrage, indoctrinate and divide. The combined result is our communication skills are decreasing and we’re becoming less tolerant and accepting which accelerates our social isolation.

Age matters too. The unfortunate fact of life (for most folks) is that as we age our circle of friends gets smaller. Loss of friendships can be due to people moving out of the area for job opportunities, a fresh start, to afford a home, or be closer to family among the many other reasons. It’s also true that as people grow older life experiences change their views and attitude and sometimes we’re just no longer like-minded enough to be compatible friends. So we “quiet quit” those outlived friendships. It all adds up to social loss, and the hardest loss is when people we know as close friends pass away.

But it’s not like your social circle suddenly collapses, it happens over the course of time. The feeling of loneliness arises when you have no one to attend an event, go on a hike, or go traveling together, or meet up for a cup of coffee, or just have a phone call for conversation.

So you compensate by staying busy with work, family and maintaining your routine. It simply becomes easier to “keep calm and carry-on” doing what’s necessary to get through the day or week and not expending the effort to build and maintain friendships.

You become socially disconnected because being part of a social circle and friendships, like any other relationship, must be nurtured with effort to stay vibrant and alive.

Combating Loneliness by Connecting with the AANR Community

The good news is you have the opportunity to build new social circles and friendships by connecting with the AANR Nudist Community. I’m here to tell you that whether you are a Home Nudist or just someone who is open to the concept of being nude amongst other nude humans in a non-sexual environment, you are part of one of the most welcoming, non-judgmental and accepting communities of all. I cannot promise anyone’s ability to create a new social circle in life, but with a positive attitude, a gentle smile, a little luck and willingness to have a genuine conversation you will probably find some people.

AANR has dedicated this year to providing what we’re calling Connection Generation Opportunities to offer ways for members to engage and create a deeper sense of belonging to the greater nudist community.

In-person Connection Opportunities

When you are nude amongst other nude humans in a wholesome, non-sexual environment there is an unmistakable sense of acceptance and belonging like no other experience. We think everyone should try nude recreation! Here is a rundown of the in-person connection opportunities you can take advantage of in 2025.

Join a Non-Landed Nudist Social Club
Non-Landed Clubs are groups of nudists that arrange various clothing optional trips and events such as visiting Nudist Resorts together, bowling alley takeovers, restaurant takeovers, backyard pool parties and other creative events in their local area. Check out a list of Non-Landed Nudist Clubs on the AANR website:

Become an AANR Ambassador
The AANR Ambassadors program is recruiting folks to become designated representatives at the club level to be liaisons and spread the word about all the great things AANR does and why membership is a MUST! The initial core group will help develop the AANR Ambassador’s Handbook which outlines duties, how to address certain situations, and where to find AANR resources to provide folks at the resorts.
For information about the AANR Ambassador program visit:

2025 AANR Nudist Events:

AANR Regional Nudist Festival & Car Show Events
This is our first year promoting the AANR Regional Nudist Festival and Car Show Events at various AANR Affiliated Resorts around the country. You will meet Nudists from your region and get to experience the nice facilities of the resort. You will also see some really cool classic cars and be able to participate in fun games and activities and enjoy a BBQ meal for some nourishment. We are encouraging AANR Members and Home Nudists to attend and asking Non-Landed Nudist Clubs to put these fun events on their calendars. The AANR Resorts hosting a Festival will have a pool, sunbathing area and camping areas. The dates and resorts are being solidified at the time of this writing. Please check the AANR website for the Festival dates and locations. These will be fun opportunities to connect with other Nudists in your region. –

World Naked Gardening Day – May 3rd
This back-to-nature celebration is one of the most popular Nudist Events of the year! Many folks just take advantage of spending some time nude in their backyard planting some flowers or vegetables, but many flock to Nudist Resorts to partake in organized Naked Gardening Parties. Be sure to check the website of your favorite Nudist Resort to see how they are celebrating World Naked Gardening Day.
Check the AANR Nudist Club Locator for a resort in your area:

National Nude in Nature Day – June 21st
National Nude in Nature Day gives you a great reason to go Skinny Dipping at your favorite lake or river or visit a nude beach. Go nude canoeing or go on a nude hike with an organized group. Take advantage of this wonderful, almost primordial experience of being Nude in Nature.

Nude Recreation Week – July 7th – 13th
National SkinnyDip Day – July 12th

Nude Rec Week is the high point of the summer nudist season. Most all AANR Nudist Resorts have a whole week of planned activities culminating with National SkinnyDip Day on Saturday, July 12, 2025. This is the week you want to make reservations for a day visit or overnight accommodations at your favorite Nudist Resort. Join AANR in celebrating National Nude Recreation Week!

Women in Nude Recreation Weekend – July 26th – 27th
WINR Weekend will be celebrated at many AANR Nudist Resorts throughout the country. The weekend event will vary by resort, but many will feature women-only gatherings and have speakers about topics important to women in today’s world.

AANR Summer Nudist Conventions

AANR Southwest Region Convention – June 5th – 8th
Star Ranch in McDade, Texas – 34 miles east of Austin

AANR Florida Region Convention – June 6th – 7th
Lake Como Family Nudist Resort
Lutz, Florida (Half-Hour North of Tampa)

AANR East Summer Meeting – June 23rd – 26th
Pine Tree Associates Family Nudist Resort
Annapolis, Maryland

AANR Northwest Convention – July 17th – 20th
Kaniksu Ranch Nudist Resort
Loon Lake, Washington (An hour north of Spokane)

AANR Midwest Summer Convention
July 20th – 27th, 2025
Valley View Recreation Club (VVRC)
Cambridge Wisconsin

AANR West Convention
July 25-27, 2025
Temescal, California (about 45 min from Ontario Airport)
Glen Eden Sun Club

AANR National Summer Convention – August 13th – 17th
Oaklake Trails Nudist Resort
Depew, Oklahoma (45 minutes from Little Rock)

AANR Canada Convention:
Please check for the latest information.

Online Connection Opportunities

Monthly Zoom Meet & Greet Calls
AANR leads a twice-monthly Zoom call for nudists to gather online. The call is setup with various topic specific breakout rooms which you can jump in and out of during the call. This is a great opportunity for folks interested in Nudism, Home Nudists and AANR Members to ask questions and learn more about AANR and Nude Recreation.
Visit to sign-up for the Meet & Greet calls.

Sign up for the Undressed Press Newsletter
AANR sends a monthly newsletter featuring Nudists in the News, Places to Go Nude and Nude Recreation updates.
Sign-up to receive the Undressed Press newsletter at:

Write an Article for the website
Your life journey and how you became a Nudist is an incredibly interesting story. AANR loves accepting articles from members to post on our website. Articles should be at least 1,000 words and well written. We can post the article anonymously protecting your identity, or provide full attribution – It’s your decision.
To submit an article: Guest Author Opportunities on

Comment on Existing Articles
Feel free to post a comment on an existing AANR article. Comments and Replies are welcomed and we encourage you to post comments on Articles.

Naturist Hub Social Network
Naturist Hub is an invite-only social community for Genuine Naturists and Nudists based upon the guiding principle that non-sexual nudity and clothing-free living are both wholesome and good.

Naturist Hub exists because Nudists are generally not welcome on mainstream social media. They are reprimanded for posting even implied nudity (i.e. back shots) and many have found their accounts simply deleted. We also know that many people are not comfortable posting about their Naturism on the large public networks.

So current AANR President Linda Weber, the world famous Naturists Nick & Lins and I decided to create a social networking site for nudists. While we allow full nudity, we have strict posting guidelines which allow us to maintain a wholesome standard. This is an important point because not all so called Naturist Social Media sites are wholesome. Our moderation rules include #NoSexualContent – #NoPolitics – #NoHate and we insist upon #MuchRespect. Best of all — 100% Free to join!

For an Invitation to join us on Naturist Hub, please visit:

Nudist Clubhouse
Nudist Clubhouse is a social network for people who enjoy life as nature intended, free from clothing. You will find members to be friendly and accepting, but most of all, comfortable in their own skin. New friendships can be made. And, long time nudists can meet and develop friendships. Learn more:

Listen to Naturist Podcasters
Stay connected to the Naturist Community by listening to Naturist Podcasters. We have a page on the AANR website where you can listen to the latest episodes of the top Naturist Podcasters streaming about all things going on in the naturist community. Visit:

Follow Naturist Vloggers
Our fellow co-founders the famous Nick & Lins are amongst the top Naturist Vloggers on YouTube. You can follow them as they travel the world visiting Naturist Resorts and experience the local communities. However, there are other YouTube Naturist Vloggers who offer insight and travel ideas about places to go nude at resorts around the world.

Read Naturist Bloggers
There are many Naturist Bloggers who offer great insight and experience about Nude Recreation.
We have a page on the AANR website that has links to various Nudist Bloggers:


Don’t live a lonely life of isolation. Get connected!
If you are a person who is open to clothing free recreation and being nude amongst other nude humans, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities AANR is providing you to get connected in the Naturist Community. The next move it yours.

1 “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation”, 2023, Dr. Vivek Murthy – U.S. Surgeon General


  1. I’ve been a member of AANR since 2009 and affiliated with a 100% landed club.
    I’ve observed at my home club, and at other clubs around the country as well as hearing testimony from AANR members on the Zoom calls, that having lost your spouse has had a significantly negative impact in the number of events you will get invited to. One man in his 80s not only lost his wife, but his club membership as well since they had a rule against no single men. He and his late wife were founding members and a staple for decades! This is an AANR club!!!
    Why is this? Aren’t we all ‘family’? Isn’t that what the article is stating? That the nudist community is unique in how we relate to others?
    Look around your club. Talk to the widow(ers) and see if you don’t hear the same.
    Whether or not it is true, the main point is that those who are in this sub group of members FEEL that way.
    Male or female, makes no difference.
    True, there will be the occasional exception to the rule, but I suspect that the main reason is that when people are at their club, it’s a place to forget about the outside world and often becomes party central.
    People who’ve experienced death of a loved one are a reminder that life isn’t always one big party, and they feel ostracized as a buzz killer instead of being MORE included, which is how it should work.
    Something to think about.

    1. Hi Fred: I just read your caring remarks. I too am in the same situation as you described regarding widow /widowers. I lost my bride of 62+ years in 2022. We were members of a landed club over 25 years, The club allowed me to ‘Visit” three times a year, On my first visit, the club Membership chair placed me on their “waiting list” advising possibly 3-5 years. On my second visit he advised me he was going to bring my request before the board at the next Sunday meeting. I went to present myself to the board for any questions, i was told they had discussed me the Saturday before and I had been declined. A member of the club invited me to stay for the meeting but the club President stated” I could not come because of my service dog (FEDERAL LAW VIOLATION) and she did not want any “disruptions” due to her heavy agenda, She also stated there were
      no single me back in our day, _WRONG ! we had five men. I had a week that was scheduled there (my third visit) with my new class A motorhome – that was canceled by persons unknown. I am 83, widowed, professional, USAF veteran, 100 % VA disabled, discrete, honest, caring, and LONESOME. The membership
      Chairman referred me to two gay men’s clubs – OK for some folks but no for me.
      I am still seeking a club to join, I have talked with AANR office, folks on the meet and greet forum, and several other clubs – same result – no single male openings. I conclude, once you lose your wife love / lifelong partner – you are no longer a “family” for this local “family friendly club”.. God bless you
      for trying to surface this heartbreaking situation. Rich –

      PS, What is interesting, I am welcome to travel 700-1500 miles from my home to clubs but I am not welcome at my home club where we raised our children – 50 miles from my home. ( I need advise / help, I feel AANR should take a hard look at Policy for widowers – Widows are welcome , we all need help and support!

  2. Wow! Exceptional article. Thank you for the background and then resources to address social connectedness! Very well done and my wife and I will look into some of the resources in the piece.

  3. This article was beautifully done. It captured many of the issues I tossed around in my mind.

    Many of the aging issues that concerned me over the years. When you see your peer group disappearing, the obvious answer is to make new friends.

    Thank again for a really thoughtful piece.

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