AANR is always striving to make our members’ nudist experiences better. We welcome 2022 with new content and a picture-rich website. As an AANR member, one can view your member page, renew your membership, print a membership card, view and take advantage of member benefits, see clubs amenities and requirements, and much, much more. Take time to explore AANR.com and all we are doing for our members.
Your President Kathy Watzel, and Executive Director, Erich Schuttauf, attended the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) held in Tampa. We discussed how their actions, through legislation, can affect our members. Our contacts during this Legislative Summit assist our organization now and in the future. AANR is here to support our clubs and assist members in enjoying their rights as nudists. By mainstreaming our organization and keeping our presence at NCSL, we normalize nudism in the eyes of your legislators and others. Through the years, AANR has attended 29 Legislative Summits. I look forward to attending our 30th NCSL in Denver this year.
As we begin our 91st year as an organization, your hard-working office staff, and clubs, have successfully grown AANR membership by over 1,000 new members, making AANR a stronger organization. We need to continue to grow to improve the nudist experience. As we grow, AANR is able to demonstrate our power as consumers, showing our influence in the marketplace. The dollars we all spend as nudists visiting nude-friendly beaches, flying or driving to nudist destinations to enjoy a Nakation®, or simply being an AANR member shows nudism is here to stay and is a part of the mainstream. Millions of dollars are spent every year by nudists while enjoying nudism. Thanks for showing your power by being an AANR member.
It is my wish everyone has a safe and healthy Nude Year, continuing to explore our planet, no matter how one chooses to see the world.